Longevity quickly sent a little eunuch to cure too much.

I refused, It’s just flesh and blood. Don’t bother to cure too much.
Liu Xie looked at my bloody injury worriedly. If I don’t exceed my brother, I will be hurt. If I don’t handle my anxiety carefully.
I quickly made a grateful tearful pursuit …
He suddenly returned to the previous topic again. You are still like those old men …
Oh? Do you like excitement?
I have some doubts and then explained, If I am not careful, I will be criticized by officials … Although I intend to be close to my position, I always feel scared.
Liu Xie waved his hand and said, After I see you, it seems like seeing another brother. I am willing to treat you like a brother.
Your brother? Didn’t your brother burp at a young age? ! You came to curse me, too? !
I fought back my anger and replied, I’m sorry to be disrespectful … this method is realized.
“?” He seems to have never thought about it.
Positions can claim super brother but I like to say positions? Positions and taboo dare not say I said coldly.
Liu Xie zheng hesitated for a moment, I lost my mother and my brother at this time, and if my relatives are super brothers in the palace … He suddenly lowered his voice, You can call me’ Little Association’ …
Little shoes? I still shake my head never
His face turned pale. You …
I love my minister deeply, but I dare not worship him. I barely struggled to make a deep bow. To tell you the truth … I may still miss my parents’ longterm love. If I exceed the number of years, I may not still miss this feeling … and I will be violently killed. I hope that I will pity my life.
He stared at me with two eyes as if trying to dig two pieces of meat out of my face.
I didn’t dodge his eyes, but his hands were sweaty.
Liu Xie sighed briefly. Do I wish to be a gentleman? !” Then he waved his sleeves into the temple.
Xu Huang led people to capture the assassin who fled and had longrange strike power, but the ending was still suicide on the spot, and a delicate crossbow was found from his body.
Cure too much rushed to me for onsite diagnosis, wrapped in a layer of gauze, and told me to rest at ease and it was okay.
Seventeen assassins’ bodies were handed over by Xu Huang to Ting Wei, a group of prisonbreaking professionals who may be able to test some clues from the bodies.
I was deeply tired and returned to the house with Jia Mu’s guards.
Jia Mu kept screaming all the way.
Super Brother, you hacked to death thirteen assassins in a blink of an eye! He tugged at my sleeve in amazement. It’s even more wonderful to wave the poisonous arrow behind me! When will I teach my younger brother?
I’m a little shaky when I walk, so I just put half of my body on his shoulder. That’s the potential of an emergency. If you are willing to be shot with a crossbow 1000 times a day, you may be able to practice your peerless skills.
He shook his shoulder. Cherish life and stay away from this crossbow …
Chapter 32 Assassin Followup
The next afternoon, I was seriously injured and rested in the house. I learned the investigation report announced by Ting Wei.
The assassin sneaked in from the East Gate of Nangong East Gate to black dragon Gate, waiting for an opportunity to assassinate at night.
But I am deeply puzzled that since these assassins are called professional and thirdrate, they should investigate the palace security forces clearly and then proceed cautiously. So unfortunately, they just bumped into me?
I couldn’t help frowning at the high voice of the decorators outside the door. Did the assassins also investigate, but … I was lying at home and being lazy during their investigation for a few days, which made them miss this vigilance?
So it’s really lucky to be old … It’s a big escape!
Gao Shou’s fatherinlaw broke into the house with a big smile on his face. How are you today, Master Ma?
Gao Gonggong I quickly asked Xiao Zhao to help me. I just hurt my hand and I’m worried.
Master Ma, an old slave in the pillar of the country, came to express his condolences. Gao Shou beckoned the guards behind him to carry in many things. It was said that Ma Qing was lucky yesterday, otherwise who could have saved his life in the poisoned arrow? I’ve given you a hundred horses with brocade and silk. Don’t refuse.
Thank you for me, I replied casually before I realized that this sentence seemed inappropriate. Is Gao Gonggong … an official Wei Wei responsible for such incidents? Although I don’t care about this talk about official titles, people who are accused of going wrong just now will lose face
Ma Daren overrated and lowered his voice Today, I recruited three officials and nine ministers to come to discuss. Everyone praised the heroic rescue of the adults from the beginning to the end, but also appreciated them very much, so I specially told the old slave to visit …
Oh? I gave him a little peace of mind. Thank you, Gao Gonggong, for telling me that the officer has set his mind at ease.
Longevity hastened to reciprocate Ma Daren folded the old slave. How could the old slave be here unscathed if it weren’t for the adults who gave their lives to rescue him last night? Say not obedient … Ma Daren is also the savior of the old slave! You must not be polite to the old slave.
I smiled indifferently, which sounds good. If Ji died under his nose, he would be bound to get rid of it.
约茶Did you find out that it was instigated by people? I asked again
He shook his head. It is difficult for Tingwei to make a judgment because these assassins are very tough and alive. Now he is sending more people to search for possible traces in the east of the city.
I’m afraid this case will go away, right? I thought to myself.
There are too few guards around us. Although this is under the jurisdiction of Guang Luxun Yang Gong, if we can’t find reliable manpower at this time, there are still spare soldiers here who are not bad at it. Gao Gonggong can come and choose.
Gao Shou did not refuse so many guards and old slaves can feel at ease.
I called Zhao Chenglai to ask him to choose dozens of soldiers who are not scary in appearance and have fairly vigorous skills to go to the palace to take office with his longevity.

With all due respect, Zhang Ji turned again. Have you ever had the same disease before?

Both Xiao Zhao and Shuang’er were very surprised.
… Zhong Jingru learned? I exclaimed, I was in a coma for a whole year last year and didn’t wake up until February this year.
All kinds of diseases will leave traces on the body. Did you ever check the adult’s scar from shoulder to chest?
Good is lyu3 bu4 cut my eyelids couldn’t help jumping.
Adult, at this age, you are a kungfu practitioner, and your body should recover very quickly. Although you were injured a year and a half ago, you will be flat and flat. You will never be like this. Although it has been condensed into blood scabs for many days, the muscle texture around the wound has almost changed in color … He said slowly.
按摩My heart is pounding. What do you mean … I don’t quite understand what he said. Does it mean that my body’s recovery function is impaired?
Now it seems as if this injury was only suffered this year, and it was only half a year at the earliest. He shook his head. I have been studying medicine for 267 years and have never seen such a strange injury.
It doesn’t matter, does it? Anyway, the wound is neither painful nor itchy. What’s the socalled color? It doesn’t matter that an old man of mine has a scar on his body.
Zhang Ji has obviously been thinking for a long time. If you are not skilled in medical skills, you can stop here. If you feel abnormal, please send someone to call you immediately.
I smiled. Zhongjing … aren’t you quitting being a medical officer?
He was dazed, and his face seemed to freeze for a moment, and his eyes were entangled.
After that, he sighed and sat up from the bed. I have been studying medicine since childhood, but I still have to give up.
He bowed his hand, picked up the medicine box and went out. He was wrapped in a wide robe and faded away in the pink sunset.
Du Ji and others also excused themselves.
I didn’t expect you to have such a strange man in your hand. Cai Yan leaned over and faded her shoes and socks and sat on the bed with a smile.
Seeing that I have regained my spirits, she is also in a joking mood.
People are thousandyearold medical saints, and naturally they are much better than ordinary doctors.
Looking at her glittering and translucent feet, I couldn’t help but hold them in one hand and gently pinch them.
CAI wenji face leaps hongxia Chen way you don’t … don’t pinch! Just getting better is strange.
I slowed down the manual how long have I been in a coma? What month is it today? It looks like summer. I won’t lie down for another year, will I? ! In this case … Isn’t it a sudden change in the situation? !
Today is twentyfour. You have been in a coma for two whole days! At that time, Zhao Cheng shouted at me in the courtyard and ran out to see you like … just like crazy, holding a gun and waving roots around, but you were close to the end, and you fell flat on the ground and almost scared people to death … She recalled that the previous situation was still chilling.
I’m relieved. It’s only been two days. Let’s just take a nap.
Madam, these days, she is always looking after the male. Little moths said at a side.
oh? Really? I questioned, I didn’t see you when I was awake once …
Cai Yan shyly explained, Yesterday, people really couldn’t support being carried to another room for a night …
I didn’t say anything, but I was still a little touched. I have been married for a whole month, but in this issue, I went out for half a month and was in a coma for two days. When my newlyweds got along, in fact, few Cai Yan could be so concerned about me. I am satisfied.
I held her hands on my chest. Madam, you have been very kind these days. I was full of affection, but I could not express it.
She smiled a captivating smile and leaned her head gently on my left shoulder. Don’t say that these Yan children really want to sleep … Her eyes have gently closed their eyelashes and are still trembling slightly.
Oh, does the hungry girl want her husband’s rain and dew? I bowed my head and kissed her gently on her bloody lips.
No … I want to sleep … She protested.
Hey, I was wrong? I laughed. Don’t you want your husband to love you?
No, let’s talk about it later … She mumbled something suddenly and opened her eyes again. Dr. Zhang said that you can’t … you can’t … you can’t have sex these days … It seems that it is still difficult for her daughter to say this word.
Actually, I’m not used to saying this word. I’m more used to saying ooxx.
What is this feudal superstition? ! Husband, I’m strong and I’m saving my strength for three days, and I’m going to be celibate? !” I’m a little angry, but after all, this is what a generation of doctor Zhang Zhongjing said, and I can take it seriously. He said, how many days will it take?
Five days … let’s take a look at your body first. She threw this sentence and took off her blouse to get ready for a rest.
Five days is five days. Some things will be easy if you see through them.
I’m not just greedy for lascivious people, I can find many things to enrich myself.
Stretched out his hand and took hold of Cai Yan’s slender waist, but she gently lifted her arm and firmly clamped my hand.
There was a noise at the door and I knew it was Xiao E who had gone out.
It’s getting dark
I closed my eyes and felt all the changes in my body
Chapter 15 There’s trouble again
It is said that the southeast came over yesterday to report that the secretariat of Yuzhou was killed by a thief army while patrolling the county.
After the thief army broke through Pei, Liang and Chen, the chief officers of the three countries were not killed, and the counties were occupied by thieves and soldiers.
After that, the thief army ended up with 200 thousand soldiers in one breath, and the fire stormed Runa, but after all, Runa was a group of Uzbeks in several big counties, and it was impossible to conquer it in a hurry
The court is furious!
Yuzhou is the confidant of the Central Plains, so how can it be lost if it is closer to Sili? !
What’s worse … How many officials’ hometowns were in Yuzhou? For example, Si Xunshuang’s old man’s home is in Yingchuan County. If the army is captured by the rebels, the foundation of his entire Xunshi family will be shaken.
I heard that officials or officials immediately held a heated discussion in the court.
The final result is still that Qiu Zhang Wen led hundreds of troops to suppress it.
A hundred thousand? I smacked my lips. How can there be so many soldiers in the imperial court?
Jia Xu laughed. It’s only fifty thousand. It’s called hundreds.
This socalled … too much water? I’m a little worried about old man Zhang Wen’s … can you wipe out 200,000 thieves with this military force? Even a thief soldier is half full of water. There is still some disparity in the strength comparison.
Don’t despise these old ministers in the DPRK, Jia Xu said seriously. Now Huangfusong and Zhu Xi are far away in the north. The best thing to fight in the dynasty is Zhang Wen. When he was a Qiu, he really relied on the military.
I remember that at that time, whoever paid for it could do it? I laughed. I remember that Cao Song just paid for a Qiu, right?

I raised my eyebrows to bypass the case and quickly walked out of the hall door.

You are greeted by a little girl carved with pink jade, with two small buns on her head and a yellow summer shirt wrapped around her petite body, quietly holding the door frame outside the house.
Seeing that I suddenly appeared in front of her, the little girl was startled and looked up timidly at me.
Somehow I was a little dizzy and seemed to see Xiao Yue’s shadow in this little girl’s body.
Yiyi stepped back a little and asked crisply, Are you … Brother Ma Chao?
Yes, I am your big brother. I sat on the threshold and stroked her head with a smile. Are you Yiyi?
Yes! Get my positive answer, the little girl shyly accepted me and rubbed can I call you brother?
… I gave her a slight blow on the nose. Why not?
Yiyi revealed her heart and smiled, Brother, brother!
Behind him came a fine step.
I didn’t look back. Zou Yi, you live a good life with Yiyi. I naturally have a sense of proportion.
You’re a general, so you should take over these things. Zou said faintly. You’ve come all the way from the east to the county without joining my wife … How can my wife sit in this city?
I turned my head to look at her and said, This is our father’s problem. Leave it alone.
Zou straightened his back slightly. My body is already a general’s wife, so I should consider it as my husband.
Her reasons are highsounding and occupy the sense of honor. I can’t help but delay a wife and husband sitting in the base to deal with the big rebellion … There is nothing wrong with this.
I can shake my head with a wry smile.
Brother … Yiyi here asked crisply, I heard that … brother is a very powerful person?
Oh, I rubbed my hands. Who told you that?
It’s … Dad! She answered me innocently with her watery eyes wide open.
I am zheng mouth suddenly feel a little bitter.
A low nasal sound suddenly came not far away.
I can’t help but turn around and guard the sound at a distance of more than ten feet. I didn’t notice it at all!
And the guards outside the door didn’t even report it?
品茶论坛After seeing the visitor, I immediately spit out a sigh and greeted him quickly. Grandpa, ancestors, why are you two here?
Ma Su snorted again. My eldest grandson came home, and I, a grandfather, have to come to visit him anyway!
I immediately alpha males just stretched out his hands and stopped at half.
The old lady gave him a discontented push, Be nice!
The old man just put out his posture and suddenly collapsed. Be good, be good. Are you going too far this time?
I reached out to hold him and motioned for Pang Gan and Chen to move the seat. Others don’t know grandpa and grandchildren’s sufferings?
The old man sighed. Of course I know.
Don’t beat around the bush if you know it! The old lady is still not polite.
Ma Su coughed awkwardly. I helped him to sit on the Hu bed that had just moved out. Well, let me get this straight. What do you want to do when you lead troops back from the western regions and receive Liangzhou military and political affairs?
grandma! On this side, Ma Yiyi jumped into the old lady’s arms without hesitation and happily.
yiyi! Zou Shiqiao face a white hurried to hug her daughter.
I waved my hand. Nothing. If you have nothing to do, please sit down and listen.
Zou looked at me and slowly bent over and the old lady sat together.
I mean it exactly, I looked at Ma Su and said, I won’t listen to orders from Luoyang any more.
I clearly noticed that his pupils contracted slightly. Do you want to stand on your own feet?
I nodded and frankly admitted that I had this intention. I thought so ten years ago.
I want to advise you again. He has no confidence.
Think about my ancestor Ma Yuan. I shook my head. Grandpa, you can’t persuade me.
He didn’t insist on giving up simply. Then I can wish you early success. He hesitated for a moment and then said, This road … is not so easy!
Of course, my grandson knows. I smiled. But no matter how hard it is to go, it’s always easier for these bastards in Bukucu court.
Ma Su looked at me and sighed, You have grown up … be good to yourself.
Are you finished? The old lady hugged Yiyi and listened to us quietly before joining the conversation again.
Finished old horse also stretched out his hand and touched the granddaughter’s head.

Out of Jiuyuan City, along the Yellow River all the way to the west, where the geology is half grassland and half desert, the settlements of towns and towns are easy to find near the riverit is the first time in my two generations that I have seen the desert with my own eyes, but the yellow sand over there almost blinded my eyes.

On the 27th of the first month, the army finally entered the territory of Shuofang County.
The north city is ahead. Xu Huang pointed to the low wall.
约茶I nodded my head and asked Xiao Dai, Is this the Shuofang Institute?
Xu Huang shook his head. This is Rongcheng in the west where the northern city is ruled.
Xiao Dai scolded, It’s really strange that it’s Shuofang City, Shuofang County, but it’s not a cure. Who took the name? !”
It’s Emperor Xiaowu. What’s your opinion? Du Ji smiled very gently.
Ma Dai immediately sat on horseback. Emperor Xiaowu’s late English will still admire his great achievements today.
As a guide, Huangfugu explained to us that there are still one or two thousand Han people in Shuofang City. In recent years, Shuofang has fallen into the hands of Hu people and can be governed by Wuyuan County.
A county town with more than 1000 people … really makes me speechless. There are wasteland everywhere here, but there is a lack of farming staff.
….. The population is too small?
God, I have this problem in China!
3 I am in Shuofang County.
Shuofang county magistrate has a tacky name, Wang Lei, and Zhong Jian.
After he saw me, he almost burst into tears. Sir! The official can look forward to you! He fell to his knees before my horse in tears.
I was shocked. Although he belongs to me in name, it’s the first time we met, so there’s no need to be so excited.
The king county magistrate please hurry up I quickly jumped on horseback.
In a good mood, I bowed my head and licked two on the head of the king county magistrate.
Lao Wang cares about wiping his tears, regardless of his death. He is full of fishy mouth and jets at himself.
I lifted him up. You are also a court official … why are you crying?
What is an official … a court official! He actually lost his temper at me. The imperial court has not sent officials here for thirteen years … The officials were elected by the officials in the city to take care of some trivial matters temporarily … but I didn’t know that this management was for thirteen years! Is he a little neurotic?
I can sigh, How is the county now?
Chloe Wang finally restored calm. There are six cities in the north, and the southernmost is the big city, Zhongguangmu City, and the north is in the hands of our Han people, but the three cities in the west, Linrong, Sanfeng and Woye, are occupied by Huns. These Hu people have been mixed with local Han people and have learned to farm for more than ten years, but our three cities add up to 5,000 people, and there is nothing we can do to recover Linrong.
Don’t worry, since I’m here, the whole North will be returned to the big fellow. I comforted him.
My Lord … there are tens of thousands of horses? He looked at me with a glimmer of hope.
Seven thousand cavalry
Seven thousand … cavalry? He shook his head too little! Who is not a skilled bow and horse in the conference semifinals? No!
I just remembered that we can ride horses, don’t Huns? ! They are natural cavalry soldiers!
Linrong and Woye didn’t let me ambush each other, which is hard for his mother to do.
In Huangfugu’s suggestion, we drove another day to Guangmucheng.
Guangmu South is a desert with a large area, but it is still a desert and has not reached the long boundary of yellow sand.
Because the resident population is less than 1,000, there is not even a county magistrate … I have a good opportunity to identify a middleaged male county magistrate who is said to have a little prestigehundreds of people are barely a township head in the Central Plains …
7,000 people settled in Guangmu, a small city that has almost expanded tenfold.
There is not enough house, so we can rest so that all the tiger and leopard soldiers can camp outside the city.
Fortunately, everyone is used to hard work. In my face, there are no soldiers complaining yet.
grandma! Qin Zhen spit out a mouthful of sand. He looked up at the sky. What a sandstorm!
I miss my daughterinlaw … Zhao Cheng muttered sadlyhe and I left their wives and Xiao Zhao, Shuang’er and The Story Of Diu Sim in Jinyang City when passing Taiyuan County.
Now I have to decide at that time to feel lucky, England and SHEN WOO.
This frontier fortress ….. is not literally can live ….. Ma Dai exclaimed.
Xu Huang and Li Dian didn’t bother to bury their heads in eating. It seems that they are more likely to feel hungry when they travel in this place.
Jia Xu put chopsticks Gong, what are your plans now?
I tore a piece of meat from the leg of lamb and dipped it in salt. What’s the plan? The next day, I will lead the troops there, and I don’t care how many enemy departments can be destroyed in Linrong!
Seconded Jia Mu raised his bone stick.
His father stared his one eye. Who will farm for you when you destroy them and leave three cities? !”
Qin array pie mouth then catch some prisoners bai
Captives? It is better to surrender directly, Jia Xu said.
Persuade those Huns? We are all Zheng
If it weren’t for my people, their hearts would be different. Ma Dai actually jumped out of this sentence
Fuck your grandmother … I don’t discriminate against the nation. Who knows how much of my body blood is pure Han blood in my previous life? How did the Han people come? Isn’t it unified after Qin Huang wiped out the six countries?
In fact, these conference semifinals are similar to Liangzhou Qiang people, and they just want to attach themselves to the big fellow after they can’t live in the grassland. Jia Xu smoothed her Hu. But they were born after chasing water plants and grazing cattle and sheep, and now they can settle down and learn sericulture with us. Presumably we should be able to talk to them.
Can we talk? I frowned.
Xu Huang nods, Maybe the former clan was with General Yang Feng in Bing area … When the uprising started, they also knew a little about them. Compared with the early Han Dynasty, the Xiongnu tribe had already declined greatly and was beaten around by a small group of Xianbei people in the original grassland. Otherwise, South Khan Yu Fuluo would not have led the troops to the Central Plains.
Well, Li Dian nodded. Let’s talk about it first, my Lord. Casualties can be as few as possible.
Of course, I don’t like casualties. It’s not so good to add that every soldier dies in this hellhole. But how do you talk about it? Mr. Guide, can you speak Hun dialect?
The conscientious guide laughed. Those Huns have lived here for more than ten years. Although there are not many Han Chinese, they always speak some Chinese … Adults can rest assured that even if they don’t know much, we can look for Han Chinese as interpreters on the spot.

We are still in the stage of investigating Bell, and we have not yet reached the stage of substantive negotiations.

Does Liverpool have any other goals besides Bell?
This is not the theme of our press conference today. Is there anything else you want to ask about the competition?
How long will Steven Gerrard be out?
The team doctor told me that Steve would come back to us healthily in ten days.
Old Redknapp at Tottenham Club firmly denied that Tottenham would sell Bell at the press conference, claiming that Bell was not for sale.
Perhaps the Champions League group stage has come to the final stage, and the top teams in the Premier League have good prospects for qualifying, which allows the top teams to focus more on the league.
Arsenal played an exciting game at Villa Park, beating Aston Villa 42.
Manchester United swept Blake 71 at Old Trafford.
In a low state, Chelsea were held to a 11 draw by Newcastle United at St James’ Park.
In the 15th round, the final battle of the league is also the focus battle.
Tottenham Hotspur welcomed the defending champion Liverpool at White Hart Lane.
Due to the transfer of Bell to Liverpool, I heard that the game was more explosive than ever.
Tottenham and Liverpool are obviously not the same level team. Tottenham is competing for the championship. Liverpool is the protagonist of the king game. But now Liverpool wants to dig Tottenham as the star player, which will naturally make White Hart Lane hostile to Liverpool.
In the player tunnel, Liverpool people couldn’t help but look at Bell as if they knew him again. I’m afraid there is also insua who holds his head high and seems determined to prove that he can beat Liverpool’s main leftback
spa会所In fact, Liverpool people live in England and are surrounded by all kinds of football media all the time. Of course, they can hear Huber reporting the news.
In the past year, Bell shot to fame in the Liverpool locker room. Perhaps his joining is indeed a positive stimulus. aurelio is getting old, which is undeniably more impactful. Bell can make the team more imposing. He is no longer adapting to the Premier League concerns, so everyone is naturally welcome.
Bell was waiting for the game in the player’s tunnel, and he couldn’t help looking at it himself. Liverpool concealed his envy in his eyes.
Liverpool’s jersey seems to symbolize honor. The goal pursued by Liverpool on the stage is not what he expected.
Being favored by Liverpool is a good opportunity for him to make a career leap.
But now is also the worst opportunity.
It is too small to leave the winter transfer to clubs and players for transfer exercises.
Now there are fans at White Hart Lane who put up slogans to keep Bell in the team. He lives in North London and listens to several people who want him to leave a message.
This will naturally disturb his thinking.
But he really wants to go to a bigger stage!
Liverpool came to White Hart Lane today to take away the victory, and at the same time, it broke the last window paper and told Bell that we wanted you to join us. Why don’t you feel the strength of a Red Army team first?
Coleman discharged a 433 formation today.
Goalkeeper Reina
Defender Johnson Skrtel Agger insua
Midfielder Mascherano Alonso meireles
Striker Raul Torres Qin Xiong
Temporary meireles replaced Steven Gerrard, who could not play, and the captain’s armband was worn on Alonso’s arm.
Hotspur 4411
Goalkeeper Gomez
Defender Hutton Cabral Gallas Ekto
Midfielder Lennon palacios modric Bell
Striker Van der Vaart Crouch
Qin Xiong once again met his old teammates and friends at the stadium.
Van der Vaart did well after coming to Tottenham, but he was no longer expected by the outside world as the winner of the first European Golden Boy.

Lingqi? I turned around and looked at her in surprise. Do you have anything else to do?

Her face was a little flushed because she hurried the horse too hard. Now that you and I have become sworn brothers and sisters, Lingqi wants to fight with the big brother!
I have seen that except for a dozen bodyguards, she has no military forces. Are you alone?
She nodded vigorously.
What does your father mean? Do you want to run away with me, sister?
He didn’t object. Annette Lu answered me openly.
I couldn’t help putting my paw on her shoulder and gently pressing it. You did a great job!
The innocent and evil pony girl opened her eyes wide. Do you agree?
What don’t agree? !” I laughed and hurried on.
Behind him, 20,000 soldiers and horses were divided into four teams, each of which accelerated in different directions.
Since I have Lu Bu’s only daughter … How can I be afraid that he will turn over the sky? !
Lu Lingqi … You are pushing you to my side!

The next afternoon, I arrived in Handan with a Qingqi.
The goalkeeper of Zhanghe City welcomed me into the city.
Although our marching speed is not slowthe average daily speed is over 100 LiI still didn’t see Yuan Tan single soldier.
Yuan Tan learned that the master personally came to save Handan and immediately chose to retreat. Zhang Heling, a wounded guarding city, led me to see the ground in front of the city.
How long have you been running? I looked at the scattered bodies and asked.
I retired early this morning, he replied. Yuan Tan retreated quickly, and now it has probably retreated to the vicinity of Tantai.
That’s really fast ….. I sighed that Tantai is more than one hundred miles away from Handan. Can Yuan Tan finish it in half a day?
Perhaps I saw my doubts. Zhang He explained that Yuan Tan had already withdrawn some footmen from today’s base with two or three thousand Qingqi …
I nodded thoughtfully for silence.
Master, clutching his chest, injured himself. Yuan Shao’s defeat is bound to make a comeback, so please take more precautions.
Then you are the front line … I smiled at him. What do you think?
Although Yuan Shao lost forty thousand elites in World War I, he still has our army’s competitive strength … Zhang He looked at my face cautiously. The movable forces in his hand are still far more than our army …
I look as usual. Before Yes, I know, I used to calculate the Jizhou troops. Compared with our army, Yuan Shao was still worse than me even though he died 40 thousand. He also had more than half of the cavalry support from Wuzhou.
桑拿会所Yan Liang, the general of this war, was killed. Lombardi will probably transfer Quyi to deal with our army. Zhang He frowned.
Quyi, hey, Quyi again! Recently, I’m really annoyed with this name. How good is he?
Quyi is a skilled archer who lives in Liangzhou, but Yuan Shao asked him to govern the infantry. Although there are 3,000 Swiss soldiers, he can be called the first army in Hebei!
What? God gun camp? I was shocked and couldn’t help asking, Isn’t it an infantry? How did you become a sharpshooter? !” If he dares to shoot, I will not play!
My Lord doesn’t know, Zhang He explained, Quyi’s 3,000 sharpshooters are each equipped with three weapons, a strong crossbow, a bag of javelin and a melee machete, which makes the line unbreakable, especially in dealing with cavalry.
Javelin ….. A false alarm. I breathed a sigh of relief. Longrange attack is really the enemy of light cavalry, but if there are 3 thousand, it should not change the situation.
Master, please don’t underestimate your enemy! Zhang He is rarely serious. If these three thousand people attack at the same time, even if the master is brave, it is difficult to get close to the enemy … I heard that Yuan Shao sent troops this time with nearly a thousand sharpshooters’ bodyguards.
I suddenly remembered the last thousand Yuan Jun who were really good soldiers.
But I’m not too worried about what do you think of Yuan Shao?
Yuan Shao’s superiority is not much to talk about his weakness. Zhang He saved a lot of words. Yuan Jun’s fatal weakness is that people are not in harmony. Yuan Shao’s military camp is divided into barriers and conflicts are great. He is three years old and his subordinates are divided into three groups.
Oh? I nodded slightly. What about you?
He zheng is to support Yuan Tan long have both ability and political integrity naturally first.
I ha ha a smile.
But I have been defeated by Lu Bu many times, and the opposition has long been rampant. Yuan Tangen can’t keep me, he said naively.
By the way, you said that Yuan Shaoshou’s camp is divided. Which faction is the most dominant now? To tell the truth, I can humbly ask Zhang He, the capitulator, for advice on the study of Yuan Shao’s faction.
Of course, he is the first school in Ju Shou, but the commanderinchief has the Governor’s special force in Lombardi. Zhang He answered me without hesitation, but he immediately added, But … he is bound to bear most of the responsibility for this defeat, and I am afraid his strength will be weakened.
47 array base points Yuan Shaojun
Ju Shou, a 60yearold man, is the commanderinchief of the three armed forces after Yuan Shao?
Although I have seen the roster of Jia Xu before, I now have a general idea of the roles of each person in Yuan Shao’s army.
In Yuan Ying, there are many people who are jealous of Ju Shou, among whom Guo Tu is the most. Zhang He explained to me the grievances of several ministers in Yuan Ying. Guo Tu is also a famous family in Yingchuan, but he belongs to this person and only knows his fame and fortune. For his conspirators, he is deeply jealous. Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei and others flatter Yuan Shao and secretly slander his colleagues. Fortunately, Yuan Shao knows that others have never been heavy.
You said fortunately? I picked my eyebrows.
Zhang he zheng’s face suddenly became awkward and ugly is a slip of the tongue! Master, don’t put it in …
Ha ha joke! I patted him on the shoulder for fear of breaking his old wound. It’s normal when you haven’t changed some habits in the first few days, and I’m not so narrowminded. Go on.
Yes! He nodded with a little caution. Although Guo Tu tends to hold Yuan Tan as before, we Hebei people have long been contradictory … Yuan Tan, this fellow, has always been close to Guo Tu, but has some prejudice against us Hebei scholars …
I suddenly understood something. Yuan was a prominent family in Runan, so most of the Henan (generalized) celebrities who followed him were Guo Tu, Xun Xun, Xu You, Guo Jia, Feng Ji, Xin Ping, Xin Pi, etc. But as Yuan Shao’s career in Hebei gradually got on the right track, he inevitably paid attention to local gentry in Hebei, such as Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Shen Pei, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, Gao Lan, etc. Then …
In particular, Yuan Shao is getting older (50 years old), his three sons have reached adulthood, and Yuan Shao people prefer the third Yuan Shang, which will inevitably lead to greater conflicts among all parties in the issue of choosing an heir. The fact also proves that after Yuan Shao’s death, his seemingly advisers are like rain and valiant soldiers are like rain group fell apart in an instant.
I calmed down and asked, Where are the other important families of Yuan?
Well, Tian Feng, Ju Shou and Shen Pei are the most popular people in Hebei Province. Zhang He wanted to think and replied, Yuan Shao respects nature the most and entrusts him to assist his third son Yuan Shang, who has high hopes. However, Tian Feng is famous for his strong character and integrity. Yuan Shao, who is spoiled, can’t stand those strict controls and naturally won’t like him.
I can’t help shaking my head.
Ju Shou, the oldest and veteran of Yuan, has always been respected by Yuan, and his ingenuity and tactics have always been valued by Yuan Shao, and he was ordered to take up his post as a overseer for a while, but his problems were equally serious.

Ji Guo’s shame has been relieved by Artest’s ball cover for the time being. Marion didn’t meet a defender after he entered the line, because Stoudemire didn’t move and was still working beside Ji Guo’s enemy. It seems that the guy hanging in the basket is not his opponent, so he won’t be in charge.

Old Deng Liwei smiled on the sidelines and just paused. He has quickly changed the original layout. Now the new tactic is the main attack line. The main attack ability is not strong. If you can evaluate a+, then the defense is less. In this game, you can evaluate the attack ability of Ji Guoqiu. Although it is not strong, it is still no problem to play a level defense.
Ji Guo was ashamed to dunk and get the fourth point in his game. The two brothers have worked together to get one point less than the combination of Stoudemire and Marion. They don’t seem to eat too much thanks.
品茶论坛D ‘Antoni pulled his finger and figured out that the business seemed to lose them. Before the game, I hoped Stoudemire would finish abusing the Clippers twins instead of having sex with two rookies!
Nash turned around and hit a threepointer at the top of the arc. The game was always lowkey, and a cold shot turned the score into 12:16.
Sun fans of American Airlines Center immediately burst into the biggest cheer after the basketball fell into the basket. Even Stoudemire’s attack on American Airlines Center was not as fierce as this threepoint cheer. This shows that Sun fans have the highest status in their minds or two MVPs.
The wind took the initiative to attack the Clippers, not only the line, but also more dangerous than the opponent today. It is still their point guard position, and this is the life of the Clippers.
Since Nash wants to take the initiative to attack, it’s natural to throw more than one threepointer. After that, he and Stoudemire pick and roll Nash more and choose to shoot by himself. His middle distance is extremely accurate and he hits the Clippers continuously, but he dare not attack him because Nash’s shooting can turn into a ball at any time or simply be a relay.
Old Deng Liwei can change black Parker after Nash hit three shots in a row, hoping to be altruistic and limit Nash’s height.
Nash claims to be the first person in the league to take the ball around the circle. He can dribble through the opponent’s line like a human being can look for a fatal blow in the opponent’s heart at any time!
Black Parker did have some restrictions on Nash’s shooting after the game, but Feng quickly chose to dribble and break into the Clippers line to find his own shooting and ball opportunities.
In the first quarter, 3 minutes and 5 seconds, Nash dribbled into the line again, pointing to the east and west, and once sent the basketball to replace Dior in Marion field without watching the ball.
Dior inserted the line from the weak side, and the French were lazy at this time. It was easier to see that their own defense chose homeopathic basket instead of dunk.
Ji Guoqiu seems to have a long eye behind his head. At this moment, his back turned from the free throw line and jumped back to the basket. After he bounced well, he reached out and put the basketball on the rebound.
How did he see that he should have his back to the basket?
Stoudemire was puzzled by the ball. He had pulled Ji Guo’s hatred out, but the China man suddenly turned and rushed to the basket to cover Dior’s inevitable basket.
Thanks, boss.
Ji Guo’s humiliation was slightly careless, and the French line got rid of this Dior’s outstanding consciousness. The ball dealer was also tall, although he was a little short, but he was very difficult to deal with.
The score was 1:22. The Suns didn’t pull the score at the end of the first quarter.
Ji Guoqiu scored 6 points, Ji Guoqiu scored 5 points, and both of them had already contributed 11 points together before finishing the first quarter. The poor defense of the Suns was not due to the wind. The pressure on their two defensive ends was really great before, but the offensive end was much easier than the Nuggets.
Half a minute later, old Deng Liwei took advantage of the dead ball to exchange for two brothers, and the Suns also exchanged Nash and Stoudemire to enter the substitute battle.
The Suns have a sevenplayer rotation. Nash, Barbossa and Lagabel rotate in the backcourt. Hill, Dior and Marion rotate the strikers. Stoudemire and Nagins take care of the center. This is D ‘Antoni’s rotation array. Xiao Hu likes to make versatile players when he is likely to get more appearances.
The second echelon of Clippers is far from being the Sun’s opponent. Barbossa’s impact ability is more threatening than Nash’s. Gallagher Bell, Marion, Dior and Nagins have no players higher than 21m, and the highest player is Nagins, who is 25m tall.
In this way, in less than five minutes, the clippers were almost taken away by the other side.
Clippers substitutes also attack more than defend, and choose more outside shots, which is exactly in line with the rhythm of the Suns. When both sides hit each other, it becomes an attack, an attack and a run. Old Deng Liwei called two timeouts and still asked the team substitutes to slow down.
In the second quarter, the score was 4 seconds and 25:35. Old Deng Liwei saw that the team would be overwhelmed and had the ability to send two brothers and a bunch of main players to deal with the vicious attack of the Suns.
Chapter 12 Wear a crotch
After the game, the two brothers formed a line with Dior and Marion, which is exactly the same as the preseason sun line combination.
Today, Marion felt bad, and the outside line hit the iron twice, so Ji Guo was even more ashamed to stay on the line and not go out to help his brother defend the basket together.
Facing the basketball barrier formed by twin brothers, the Suns’ breakthrough today did not pose much threat.
Although the Suns’ outside threepoint ability ranks in the forefront of the league, it often gives people the main impression, but in fact, they will not give up the opportunity to hit the basket and rotate the players who can’t break through among the seven people. This is also a major feature of the Suns. The shooting team alone can’t get 62 wins.
The Phoenix people had the same trouble as the Clippers’ opponents in the first ten games today. Even though they led the Clippers by ten points on the bench, the attack in the paint area did not achieve much success, and Stoudemire only scored some points on his own ability.
Stoudemire scored 6 points in the first quarter, and the two brothers limited the bully threat to a normal range.
Stoudemire’s average score this year is just around 25 points. According to his score in the first quarter, they can just limit Staademeyer’s score to 25 points.
Nash has made a comeback, and Parker scored a basket under the cover of Ji Guoqiu.
Speaking of it, it’s not only Stoudemire’s online eye defense on Nash’s defensive end, but he and Stoudemire are also present at the same time. The defensive end of the Suns is equivalent to two black holes on the outside line, and the scores come and go quickly. Perhaps this is why the Suns’ game is beautiful. The ups and downs are as exciting as riding a roller coaster!
The Suns attacked Nash and dribbled into the line. The wind was moving in the restricted area, so they waited for a basket. Although the two brothers were not far away, they didn’t respond. Nash’s shot timing just happened at the moment when they felt the most uncomfortable.
If I want to dribble into the line, whether it’s the ball or my own attack, it’s hard to predict his first move
A minute later Stoudemire returned to Dior in the fourth position and Marion returned to the third position and Raja Bell in the second position.
Ji Guoshi and Dior don’t have much counterpoint. The Suns attack Dior’s face frame, hold the ball in the left horn and cut it to the right. With the quick first step, the stronger body can resist Ji Guoshi’s shame and hit the board successfully.
This is a breakthrough way that the French line is very good at. During the solar period, his first step was enough to break through most lines. Dior’s finishing ability was quite high without cooperation.
Ji Guoqiu watched Stoudemire on the outside this time. Ji Guoqiu defended Dior oneonone. He didn’t have enough strength to resist his opponent. Even if he could keep pace with his body, he couldn’t stop Dior’s basket.
It’s strange how the Wolf King got through it when he was so embarrassed?
Ji Guo was ashamed to grab the basketball from the basket and took a hard shot and walked to the baseline to serve.
If you move a step before the second time, you will sometimes react.
Ji Guoqiu does have some methods, but it also has shortcomings. Dior will get a chance to shoot, but it is much better to let Dior shoot than to be killed by him. It can force the opponent to choose an attack method with a lower chance of success, even if it is a successful defense.
After Stoudemire’s game, Nash played more pickandroll with the bully. Nash and Stoudemire are the most threatening pickandroll combinations in the league. Both of them can be pulled out or smoothly. It seems that there are actually four or five changes for two people.
After Nash pick and roll, the dribble went to the weak side. Stoudemire immediately chose to make up for the shooting opportunity according to discipline and national hatred. Nash Stoudemire gave it to his younger brother for defense.
Ji Guoqiu came at Nash and saw each other’s wrists shaking. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the door …
American Airlines Center suddenly sounded a laugh at Ji Guoqiu being crossed by Nash.
Before watching a game, Twilight couldn’t help laughing when she saw Ji Guo’s hatred, but in Los Angeles, not far from the residence of two brothers, Taylor Swift had just returned home from new york to watch the game, but the little singer’s eyes were always on Ma and Stoudemire’s oneonone humiliation.
Ji Guo shamed Dior for defending Stoudemire. He knew Stoudemire couldn’t play the ball. This is his style. The bully is very unique on the offensive end and can’t play the ball easily.
Stoudemire’s breakthrough basket is very threatening. With the long step frequency, he can complete the threestep basket from the point of the threepoint line without any further adjustment. This time Stoudemire caught the ball in the movement and can basket directly without another ball.
Ji Guojiao’s defense is in place, reaching out his long arm to shoot at the basketball. Stoudemire used an outside player in the game to make a pull rod to avoid the cover of Ji Guojiao’s shame and put the basketball in.
Ji’s humiliation not only failed to prevent Stoudemire, but also sent a foul, two plus one.
The American Airlines Center immediately sounded like a tsunami, cheering the two brothers. This time, both the defensive ends were played. This is a time when the top ten goals can be matched with the two twins to become the background emperor.
Mad! Ji Guo shame can’t help but scolded 1.
Ji Guoqiu also has the impulse to swear. It’s a shame that the door was worn.
Today’s game is the first time they have played so hard on the defensive end. They can’t get into a game against Nuggets. Their defense has never been broken, but today, facing the Suns, they have gradually failed to hold on to each other’s more and more fierce offensive.
In the second quarter, Nash and Stoudemire frequently make trouble for the two brothers by tacitly picking and rolling.
Ji Guoshi had to rest for three fouls at the first half of the regular season in the second quarter of 2 minutes and 5 seconds.
Ji Guoqiu’s presence alone is even more unbearable to Stoudemire’s impact.
Stoudemire broke out in the second quarter and scored 11 points in a single quarter at the end of half time, increasing the total score to 17 points.
At halftime, the score was 4:5, and the Clippers’ main force was present only without being pulled, and the score did not narrow the difference.

I nodded or undercover … it is best to send a high level … I looked at him and freeze.

He zheng you don’t want us to go? Yuan Shao is a very heavy door, and you can see that there are many celebrities in Hebei. Even if I go, I will definitely not get his weight.
Even if there are many celebrities, I believe I can cover them up with my husband’s ingenuity! I am full of confidence.
You mean … let me actively advise him? He laughed. Jizhou is already in his hands. Do you want him to further annex Hebei? Or directly enter the Central Plains and take Luoyang directly?
Uh … I scratched my forehead.
If you want to get Yuan Shaoxin in a poor family … it’s not as simple as you think … He sighed and said that if it were that simple, Jia Xu would have been able to seal Hou’s generals as early as Dong Zhuo.
I turned my head to another candidate
Cheng Yu shrugged his shoulders. I went there, too, and now I send spies to the public.
It doesn’t matter now. I’m farsighted. Look ahead.
In the long run? That’s not too long … He objected, Well … I’m afraid my adult won’t stay in Zhao for a few days.
What does Mr. Cheng mean? Xiao Dai exclaimed, We have all given the money to Yuan Shao! What else does he want? ! Do you have to kill us all? !”
… you’re really angry today … I stared at him. I’m not angry as a client. What’s your hurry? Does Mr. Zhong mean that my horse will be transferred?
Not only transferred, Cheng Yu nodded. Even soldiers will be deprived.
Bastard! Xiao Dai was so angry when he punched him.
Even if we send military assets today, he can’t trust us completely, he explained. In fact, a secretary or a state shepherd with 7 thousand Qingqi countries will not be at ease.
That’s what I’ve been worried about. I’m always worried about the court. Maybe one day, I’ll think that my butch riding is illegal, and I’ll disband my butch riding with a piece of imperial edict … Will I obey the order or not?
My head hurts again when I think about it. What should I do? Tiger and leopard riding is not only my army that has made great achievements, but also my biggest money to save my life.
He shrugged his shoulders again. Why don’t you try to find some in the DPRK? Doesn’t Zhang Taiwei value you very much?
Mr. Wang actually taught me to pay a bribe? I was really taken aback.
I didn’t say anything about bribery, did I? Cheng Yu smiled, It’s just a matter of fixing things.
What’s the qualitative difference?
But … I don’t have any money at hand! Twenty million yuan has been spent on Yuan Shao’s private money … At this time, it is grateful to have three million yuan left in the treasury.
Say … let’s find something that doesn’t cost money. Cheng Yu just refused to say it.
Zhang Wen and Ma Ridi can find it or Jia Xu simply?
Ma Ridi?’ I haven’t heard this name for a long time, but I can’t react at the moment.
Isn’t he the elder of your horse family? Jia Xu smiled.
Never heard of it ….. Xiao Dai shook his head beside him.
When I was in Luoyang, I didn’t hear him say that we were a family … I remembered that when I was Wei Wei, Ma Ridi never took the initiative to climb with me. This old man was as lowkey as Xun Shuang, and my young people wouldn’t have anything in common with him. On weekdays, he never said anything unforgettable …
Can’t be wrong. Ma Ridi is from Fufeng Maoling, and Ma Rong’s first Maoling Ma belongs to the same family. Jia Xu explained, It may be much more effective to ask him to contribute secretly than to ask Zhang Wen.
I measured for three seconds. Then I’ll leave for Luoyang at once. I urged me to rush south.
He quickly a pull me you die? !”
Chasing for life and slamming on the brakes almost dragged Jia Xu from his horse.
Now that the situation is so sensitive, how can a foreign country leave Zhao for the capital without authorization? His righteous words scolded me for acting without thinking.
I muttered, Since we are relatives, it is more convenient for me to ask him …
He couldn’t wait to slap a whip in my face. You can solve things by running to his house with your eyes open?
What do you say? I stand hand in hand. Anyway, I’m not the type who can make love vertically and horizontally.
He sighed, I’m going.

When I entered Zhao, I saw a group of young and middleaged people gathered in the wild at first sight.
Why? Don’t everyone know that I’m going to get out of here and come to see me off? Casual in appearance but fragile in heart, I can’t help thinking.
Look out! A few people shouted noisily.
品茶论坛There is a strange object flying head on.
Fast speed actually makes me dodge and condense the true qi with one hand.
Bang A group of irregular objects popped up in the opposite direction, and the right hand was numb.
Just a ball can make me so embarrassed! Still so far away! I was surprised and rubbed my palms inexplicably.
What about the ball? !” Rushed out of the field a few heads … Qin array.
I sighed and found a new force this time. I didn’t expect it to be this savage.
Why do you still have time to play football? Xiao Dai urged Ma Xiangqian to be agitated beyond words.
No time for you! Qin Zhen picked up the ball head and ran into the field without looking back. Cheers rang out again.
I shouted at Xiao Dai, Xiao Dai, what’s wrong with you today? Is it too angry?

52 Changshan Shuangxiong

The simple fence was slowly pulled out of a gap.
Finally, a leader appeared at the door shouting, Who is General Ma?
That, that is dark! He aside wannabe have his advice.
I looked down at the real armor presented by Huangfusong, and it was barely dark, right?
The leader surrendered to me with his fuels. It’s polite to be the first general of Zhang Tianwang’s four generals, Sun Qingma. Apart from the strange words, this fellow naturally gives people an illusion that he is in the same room.
General Sun is polite. My adult has a lot of advice and doesn’t care about his manners. I wonder if General Zhang Yan would like to meet him?
General Ma invited Zhang Tianwang out of the camp to meet you? Sun light asks.
That’s the best, I smiled. Of course, General Zhang can enter the camp to discuss with him if it is not convenient.
Sun nodded lightly. General Ma will wait for a moment and report to the King.
I returned to my own camp just visible.
Less than a moment later, Sun Qing came to the door again. General Ma Tianwang has a message to convey to you.
I nodded slightly at him, and I didn’t know if he could see it.
He cleared his throat and declared, The heavenly king wants to invite General Ma into the camp, but the camp is simple and afraid of neglecting the spacious guest Yingkou and the sunshine is warm. Why don’t you ask the general to discuss in Yingkou?
I secretly smiled, Do as you please, General. Just obey General Zhang’s orders.
Sun lightly waved his hand, and early soldiers went to Zhongying to report the news.
Not long after, the fences on both sides were slowly pulled, and several wannabe moved out of two Hu stools, one south and the other north, and placed on the ground with a distance of two feet, which was obviously the seat prepared by the leaders of both sides.
Xu Huang, who is known for his steadiness and prudence, didn’t wake him up. He paid attention to the abnormal behavior of the enemy and asked the army to retreat slightly to leave enough reaction and buffer.
The fence was pulled out, surrounded by a group of people, and several leaders strode out of the most middleman, even floating out almost without touching their feet. It seems that he is Zhang Yan, the king of black mountain thieves.
This must be General Ma’s courtesy. Although Zhang Yan was born magnificent and powerful, he was no longer a young boy, and he was in his early thirties. According to the martial arts, people might look young, even if he was only forty years old.
桑拿论坛General Ma Chaozhang, the general in the northern expedition, is polite. I gave him a sideways salute, but he didn’t call himself a king of heaven. It’s necessary to argue with him about religion and philosophy.
General Ma, please sit down. He waved the guards back and invited me to sit down.
I’m embarrassed to let many guards follow him around and take Qin array to General Zhang, please
I’m sitting opposite him, and Qin array can guard my identity behind me. I don’t have a seat?
Zhang Yan laughed. Please forgive me for the humble camp.
I suddenly stare big eyes high to drink a way behind him zhaoyun? !”
The crowd suddenly became quiet, but no one came out.
Dragon, since you were an official in General Ma, why not meet again? Zhang Yan twist a head to say
Yes in the crowd, Zhao Yun really slowly walked out behind Zhang Yan and kowtowed to me slightly. Has Zhao Yun seen how General Ma is?
If you are here? I’m quite interested in his affairs.
Zhao Yun lowered his eyes slightly. Zhao Yun returned to the real place after leaving Handan. General Zhang Yun is a fellow villager’s cloud. He can go to a good temporary camp soon … General Zhu Cishi’s army was defeated and dead. You can also be transferred out of Zhao Guoyun to leave Jizhou with General Zhang.
What the dragon said is really subtle. I grinned and uncovered this gauze. General Zhu Cishi’s army was defeated and killed, and he was transferred to Zhao Guoyuan for Liaodong. Isn’t there two contributions?
Qin array is very fit to hum a.
Zhaoyun said nothing, but his face became more and more ugly.
Zhu Cishi’s death of Zhang Yanzhong’s brothers is really to blame, Zhang Yan said. But it is also acceptable for Zhang to be controlled by others.
subject to people? I hey ran way
General Ma will know the past and ask? He shook his head with a wry smile. I, the women and children of the Heishan Army, consume countless daily expenses. Yuan Shao promised Zhang that not only food and grass but also women and children would be allowed to return to their hometown after the job was done.
Oh? Do I look like an idiot? General zhang was holding tens of thousands of military forces want to plunder some food in jizhou isn’t it a piece of cake? For example, near Changshan?
General Ma joking Zhang Yan repeatedly motioning with his hand Changshan is where Zhang clan can Zongbing plunder? Although Zhang is a grasshopper, he doesn’t want to be poked by the villagers!
I was completely shocked by the Jiang Yang thief’s answer … Do you still care about a little gossip from several rural farmers?
So I asked another question, Since you have hundreds of thousands of people, why don’t you just levy taxes and strengthen yourself?
His reaction is very nai general ma noble family if you know our difficulties? Although Zhang once claimed that millions of people can fight in Chengdu, refugees can’t get enough food and clothing, but hundreds of thousands of horses can be used. However, when thousands of yellow turban insurrectionary events are held, they can still run around and wait for Dong Zhuo’s violent death and Guo Li’s death. It has been decided that there are three States in Hebei, and the officers and men of the three States are working together to encircle the surface. The officials and the people regard us as beasts and enemies. Where can there be a place for us?
I opened my mouth and asked with some difficulty, You … won’t restrain your hand to be kind to the people and win the hearts of the people? If peasant rebels want to do something, they must pay special attention to military discipline.
He sighed, It’s too late! Zhang recruited hundreds of thousands of heroes in three mountains and five mountains, and all of them had a large number of lives. It is impossible for them to change their roots.
I can sigh, So … Now that it’s done, is General Zhang going to follow?
He looked at the north. Isn’t General Ma already blocking Zhangbei Road?
Do you really want to go out? I’m surprised way
Yuan Shao has taken over all our old, weak, women and children. What can we do if we don’t fill the gap? He shook his head. Zhang has been in charge for many years, and the Xianbei Wuhuan tribe has some friendships. I took my brothers to take refuge and probably managed to make a living.
Now that you and I are sitting, I don’t have to beat around the bush. I finally turned the conversation to the point. I hope that General Zhang’s brothers are heavy …
You want me to surrender? He laughed inexplicably.

Not in reason and result.

Yan Jingyan is a genius, but he is an extreme genius.
Natsume smiled.
For the game of death, it’s stupid.
Answering too sincerely is a bit severe.
. Jing Yan looked at everything in sight, pointing to the top of his head.
then you can see what you think of the stupid game, if you can do it.
What do you mean?
It doesn’t mean anything. Since you are here, it means you want to join the Knights of the Blood Alliance.
Will you give me a second option?
Simple answer
Natsume accepts it.
This time, Yan Jingyan walked to the room and left a message at the same time.
Just wait, interesting stories in the future.
Beyond the limit of players, bring the game of death, what is the end that everyone expects, when will it come? :
Episode66 daily training, the way girls fight …
The security level in the game is generally about ten levels higher than the number of layers. Of course, the more the level is higher than the number of layers, the more the security will increase.
Today, just for training, Natsume took silica to the 40th floor maze area for combat exercise.
After all, silica is also a player. Even if he doesn’t participate in the Raiders Group’s battle against boss, he should learn the skills of fighting and the means to protect himself.
Natsume knew that silica was an animal trainer, so she chose a hunting area suitable for her exercise.
The scene in front of us is relatively wide, with lakes and rolling hills. Although the terrain is not complicated, it will also increase some difficulties.
If you fight near the lake, you may be attacked by some kind of monster in the diving water; If you fight in the hills, the vision will also be targeted by other monsters; If you fight in the plain, players who lack bunkers will probably be hit and attacked. Therefore, the first thing to learn from silica is to find a terrain suitable for their own fighting.
Generally, in opposition to monsters, the terrain is not completely fixed.
Some labyrinths are indeed in the same terrain here, but if there is any place to be profitable, it must be profitable.
The level of monsters in this area is not very high, but their attack consciousness is very strong, and their size is not big, but once they go to work, they have the ability of being as fast as a tiger.
This is a test of silica and her ability to make Mobina close.
Bina can fly, and with its flexible body, it is not easy to be attacked. Therefore, silica can catch Bina’s assistance to confirm the enemy’s position and prepare for it.
At the same time, she can also choose the terrain immediately. For players like her who are not very aggressive and petite, it is best to choose bushes and Woods.
Not only can you easily pass through the big monster method, but you can also attack and evade by speed.
Moreover, with the help of Mobina, this fighting method should be strengthened.
Not hardcharging, but defeating the enemy step by step by nibbling.
Natsume followed closely behind silica with a sword in his right hand, and kept a distance that would not attract monsters, and at the same time he could help silica at any time. Natsume acted like this.
As he imagined, silica seemed to understand what he should do. He let Bina fly, confirmed the enemy’s sight and chose his own battle site.
Run into a relatively short jungle, silica immediately moved aside and hid behind a fallen tree trunk.
Bina followed her actions and quietly stood on the branch.
The rustling leaves shook the bushes and made a sound. Something half a meter high with sharp teeth passed by the place where silica passed just now, grinning and screaming, attracting the other two to lean over here.
These monsters are good at acting together by two or three, which needs to be broken one by one. If you fight recklessly, your advantage will be weakened.
The monster sniffed the smell of silica, and judged the location of silica by the digital smell.
What will you do?
Natsume guessed that if it was her own, the level was similar to that of silica, and in the absence of great advantages, she would definitely solve them through the method of smell.
Use clothes as traps, cover up your taste through dirt and dirt, and finally go around behind them for sniper.
喝茶约茶When Natsume was thinking, he was always ready for rescue. When he saw it, he rushed out of silica.
It’s fast, but the judgment is wrong.

Meng Shiru, on the other hand, turned his head quite stuffy. He hated it. If I had known that today, when he practiced kung fu, he would never rely on his high talent and always be lazy.

Meng Shiru really regrets and doesn’t want to pay attention to Shang Tang Lian’s words, but he immediately reacted to himself, so he felt so weird.
Shang Tang Lotus seems to have not found the general way, Well, I’m all fair and I’m all talking about strength. Since I’m willing to lose the bet, you’d better lie down and wait for my luck.
Meng Shiru felt that his performance was very strange, and then the horse turned around. He was just about to talk to Shang Tanglian when he heard Shang Tang Lotus say so. He really wanted to hehe. When did Shang Tang Lotus become willing to lose the bet again? Even if he was stronger than me, what’s the big deal? I can’t quit. Hum, even if I go to find a woman casually, I can’t let you face it.
Meng Shiru didn’t find himself a little naive at the moment, and his thoughts were full of arrogance.
At the moment, Shang Tang Lotus doesn’t care about Meng Shiru’s reaction. If you know Meng Shiru’s idea, you will definitely sneer. Is this what you don’t want if you say you don’t want to?
So before they want to combine, they become Meng Shiru, a good woman, and Shang Tanglian is a typical overlord.
桑拿Meng Shiru Shang Tang Lotus discovered that nature was his own kung fu struggle. He would rather die than surrender and wanted him to dream, but unfortunately he was suppressed by Shang Tanglian. Not only that, Shang Tanglian sat directly on Meng Shiru’s face after a few clever efforts, and then grabbed Xiao Meng Shiru’s face. At that time, Meng Shiru felt a tingling resistance and softened a little. Then Meng Shiru just endured that refreshing strength and struggled hard to struggle even more.
I hesitated for a moment when I came to Shang Tang Lotus, because I had a psychological shadow on Xiao Meng’s Confucianism. It was really ugly. It was a little scary and disgusting. So Shang Tang Lotus hesitated for a moment. Do you really want to put your former ideas into practice?
If Meng Shiru didn’t struggle hard, maybe Shang Tang Lian would have given up on her own initiative after some thinking, but now Meng Shiru is struggling so hard to know the opportunity, but Shang Shanglian, who is so fleeting, has no time to think again. She doesn’t know that he feels that the opportunity is not bad, but the thought flashed before. She directly threw it away, and she hesitated when she didn’t, so the socalled now or never, Shang Tang Lian was cruel and sat there again.
Then ahem, Meng Shiru was obviously not comfortable at all, and he couldn’t control Ow on the spot. Meng Shiru felt that if he didn’t open his mouth, he would waste Shang Tang Lotus’s talons. Suddenly, he gnashed his teeth. Please hiss, Nima, when this is made of iron? Meng Shiru really wanted to criticize. He really doubted whether Shang Shanglian was intentional or not. Otherwise, how could he look at it like this? The experience is also quite rich and it is good to cooperate with himself. As a result, he was so malicious when he held the other hand
Shang Tang Liankoo gave Meng Shiru a wink and pretended to be a koo. She quickly argued that I didn’t mean to be a novice. The novice didn’t find the right place at the moment. She was also a little guilty. Ahem, she also heard people say that she was very fragile. If she accidentally relied on the strength just now, it was really unpredictable. She also knew how malicious it was. Although people sometimes inadvertently made it a little bit, the actual lethality was still very strong. It was a great proof that someone just changed from tough guy paper to teary Chinese paper. I didn’t see such a highquality Chinese. Did you just scream and
Chapter 797 You grinding goblin
From this point of view, Shang Tang Lian is quite reasonable, but Shang Tang Lian still argues that it’s all your fault. You see, if you don’t struggle, I won’t be in such a hurry. I’m not skilled in this industry. It’s my first time here. If you weren’t in such a hurry, I’m afraid I missed the opportunity.
Meng Shiru’s feelings are still my fault.
Meng Shiru’s anger is not as big as before at the moment. After listening to Shang Tanglian, she said that it was the first time that she was unskilled, and she didn’t know what was wrong with her anger, but she was still very vocal. Feelings also pushed the fault on him. I have seen it fall into black and white, but I have never seen such shame.
Meng Shiru already doesn’t want to talk. Of course, he can’t even struggle at the moment because Shang Tang Lotus is looking for a hole again. Ahem, maybe it’s to compensate Meng Shiru. After a while, I saw that Meng Shiru seems to have nothing to do. Shang Tang Lotus carefully asked Is it okay? After getting Meng Shiru’s supercilious look, Shang Tanglian confirmed that it was definitely nothing, otherwise she could roll her eyes and not continue to scream.
Shang Tang lotus is much more cautious when it moves at the moment, and the effect of taking it lightly is also obvious. Meng Shiru feels that it is really a kind of cure to catch up.
Shang Tang Lian spoke again at the moment. Well, don’t move. If you move again and cause adverse consequences, I won’t admit that you don’t want to rely on me.
With this sentence, Meng Shiru, even if he has no more masculinity and dignity, he will not dare to move. If he moves now, he will not be able to keep his penis. Moreover, if Shang Tanglian’s incident caused him 10,000 critical strikes today, it may be temporary, and it may still be cured. That is to say, if he doesn’t cure, he will ask for it. But if this penis can’t be kept, it will be more than 10,000 critical strikes. That is a few critical strikes or a generation of endless critical strikes.
At the moment, Meng Shiru once again realized what it means to be a man who knows the time and keep his baby. He can also bear the humiliation and honestly dare not say anything, but also gently coax Shang Tanglian to say something soft. Take it easy. He was afraid that Shang Tang Lotus would take it out on his penis when he got angry. If he came back just now, he would have died directly and suffered from fucking torture.
Meng Shiru has always considered himself a man of great backbone, but now he finds out that he also has weaknesses.
Shang Tanglian felt that Meng Shiru was honest and satisfied with Meng Shiru’s cooperation with Shang Tanglian, but she was relieved, but she was still very cautious and afraid of turning back carelessly, which really made people feel sorry. If you turn back, you will be asked to pay for it. If someone needs compensation or people want original goods, where can she find it for others? She is a queen, but she is not a fairy. Besides, it is no use if it is really broken.
So this time Shang Tanglian decided to sit down decisively after determining the position.
The feelings of these two people are really reversed. Meng Shiru feels that she feels happy from head to toe. That kind of comfort is not good, while Shang Tang Lian has a cold sweat on her forehead. It’s her turn to swear regardless of the image. It’s really too painful. It’s really torture. It’s not like this
Shang Tang Lotus doesn’t understand why it hurts so much. Some people think that Shu and those people must have eaten something that can produce hallucinations. All feelings are illusions.
Shang Tanglian believes that she is also a person who is hard enough to learn martial arts, which means that she is talented again. When she fights with people, she still can’t avoid big injuries and bruises. But Shang Tang Lian doesn’t say anything and doesn’t feel how unbearable it is. But at this moment, Shang Tanglian feels as if tearing is her soul.
Shang Tang Lian also gasped. Don’t misunderstand. It’s a painful cry. Please refer to Meng Shiru just now.
Shang Tang Lian sat there and didn’t move. She didn’t dare to move. She was just about to move. It hurt even more, so where did she dare to move?
Meng Shiru felt the joy. After a while, I saw that Shang Tanglian had nothing to do and couldn’t help but start to move. So Shang Tang Lotus couldn’t help but scream even more this time. At that time, Meng Shiru was shocked. What’s going on here?
Shang Tang lotus now also can’t bear the word pain bite a tooth and said.
Shang Tanglian regretted that today’s incident was purely selfinflicted. Tell me that you are also braindead and want to save each other. Then, if you don’t like his handsome appearance, just accept him as a younger brother. When flirting, you will be tempted to flirt. Now it’s good to put yourself in this situation directly.
Shang Tang Lian is so regretful for the first time.
Meng Shiru is a little strange. Pain Meng Shiru thinks that the two people’s reactions are swollen. What’s different? He feels quite comfortable. Meng Shiru stopped talking and couldn’t help but move, which made Shang Shanglian gasp in air.
Come, Shang Tanglian is a woman who has never experienced such a thing. Most women will feel pain at the first night. Then Meng Shiru is more talented than others in this respect. It is just snow and frost. It would be strange if Shang Tang Lotus didn’t feel pain.
Shang Tang lotus talk at the moment are squeezed out through his teeth you don’t move Shang Tanglian gnashed her teeth.
See Shang Tang lotus pain forehead is a cold sweat Meng Shiru although very eager to continue to move, just that gently Meng Shiru felt better than before, and now Meng Shiru endured Meng Shiru and felt like a cold sweat.
However, Meng Shiru really didn’t dare to move when he saw Shang Tang Lotus, especially when he looked down, Meng Shiru suddenly had an epiphany. It’s your first time.
Shang Tanglian couldn’t help but stare at Meng Shiru, saying, What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with the first time? I still look down on the first time. Besides, I said it myself before. What expression is this?
Can Meng Shiru say that he doesn’t remember what Shang Tanglian said just now? At that time, he remembered that his penis was killing him, and it was simply not a human thing to do.

Zhang Ji, the temporary agent of the western Liaoning prefect, has not yet moved into the prefect’s residence as a manager directly under me. This line should notShao Cheng Yu did not express any objection.

Yang Lecheng’s smallscale Taishou Mansion naturally cannot be as grand as it is, which is equivalent to Wuwei Taishou Mansion in Guzang City, which can give me a nostalgic illusion.
桑拿论坛As I’m a stranger here, including the Gongsun family, several families in the city have sent people to help me. I was worried about the serious shortage of cooking staff, so I honestly sent these people to be temporary fire fighters.
The attitude shown by Liucheng Wuhuan this time is very unexpected. Not only the nominal adult class, but also the real palm master Ta Dun personally came to visit Yangyue, which tells everyone that Liucheng Wuhuan accepted my forces to enter the Northeast in vain.
Although I don’t know why these two ethnic minorities are so respectful to me, I am glad to see their docile attitude, so in the future, the direction of Liaoxi’s national policy towards Liucheng will be determined through laughing and drinking.
In fact, it is nothing more than a few.
First, the two sides put the market to fair trade.
Second, Wu Huan released the plundered Han people.
Three, western Liaoning organization personnel to guide Wuhuan farming.
Fourth, the two sides live in peace and jointly resist foreign aggression.
In fact, it seems fair, especially one or two, which must have benefited us, but this kind of agreement can also be reached orally. It is impossible for me to formally document these big men to reach this unseemly agreement on behalf of the people, otherwise they will be accused of humiliating the country and trying to split.
And according to article 4, I tentatively asked the other party for help. Ta Dun promised five thousand Qingqi in two days!
5 thousand is not a big number, but it expresses my position very well and does not make me feel threatened.
The head promised of course to fill the belly floor class and the accompanying frame when Ta Dun left Yang Lecheng was full of evidence of SinoUkrainian friendshipall kinds of Shan Ye goods of these vehicles had already entered the Taishou Treasury.
The arrival of the Wuhuan people was an episode, but the attitude of Lou Ban Ta Dun made me more confident about the situation in the north, and it was more symbolic than practical that the other party casually promised 5 thousand reinforcements.
The attitude of Wuhuan people is unexpectedly humble. After seeing off the guests, the core generals continued to hold group meetings. I first asked the appeasers, What do you think?
Xu Huang sideways motioned for Tuoba Ye and Tuoba Ye to simply say, Wu Huan knows that the master’s army is resistant to the north and there is a threat from Xianbei, so he naturally doesn’t want to be our enemy at this moment.
Xianbei threat? I rubbed the bar and thought about it, which is probably understandable. Then I said, Ta Dun promised to send five thousand cavalry to support our army in conquering Liaodong. Will it send me five thousand old, weak and beaten soldiers? I don’t want to find a bunch of losers who are dragging their feet
Let’s take a day off in the music, said Cheng Yu. Look at what these aliens are thinking.
If you really dare to send some for dry food, we’ll kill them first! Qin array bad to ruthlessly strokes
I shook my head and laughed. Let’s discuss these things after pacifying Liaodong first.
Using force against Wuhuan is an important event that must be cautious. The difficulty of this war is not to win, but to completely eliminate the enmity between the two nationsI mean … if the men, women and children of Wuhuan are erased from this world, the revenge fire cannot continue to burn.
However, it is obviously not enough to easily complete this arduous task with only more than 10,000 cavalry troops in my hands now.
In fact, my attitude towards ethnic minorities is extremely extreme. I either have a hearttoheart relationship or kill them all. This is probably because of my subconscious narrow nationalism.

Most of the cavalry were stationed near Yanglecheng. This time, we suffered more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. There were fewer people and houses, and Yanglecheng had no conditions. The soldiers had a relaxed and comfortable accommodation environment. As soon as I gritted my teeth and experienced it myself, I led all the soldiers to set up tents near the earthen wall outside the city, and my brothers spent two long nights together, eating and living together, patrolling the night, warming themselves by fire and laughing.
Of course, this suffering will never be lost for nothing. The soldiers are more and more respectful when they look at me.
It’s not a difficult condition to sleep on the floor and eat two big pots of rice.
It’s impossible for Gongsun’s family to watch me eat bran and swallow vegetables, and I have never bought a large number of local specialties early. I will carry forward the style in the end and distribute these foods directly to the campsalthough every foot soldier can only eat one bite.
At the end of the day, Pang Gan reported to me awkwardly that he forgot to leave me a bite to eat …
After witnessing this scene, Gongsun Zan sighed and the man moved a car from his brother’s house.
I’m welcome, too, except that I picked out two pieces of snacks and gave them to Pang Gan, the Sineitai brothers. As if I hadn’t seen them for three days, the clown swept away a load of food in an instant, leaving a bare twowheeled wooden cart alone on the ground.
I smiled and clapped my hands and stuffed the two small and exquisite snacks into my mouth. Before I could savor the taste of Gongsun’s cakes, I saw the smoke rising in the west.
Cavalry have a large cavalry to cause flying dust on this scale.
I tried to swallow the food in my mouth and forced a whistle to call my life to my side.
The commander … the commander! There are scouts flying away early. Thousands of Wuhuan fine riders are coming here at a fast speed! No!
I nodded my head, stepped into the stirrup with my left foot and jumped on the horse.
The sergeants wolfed down their horses.
The temporary camp was built in the east of Yangle City, and we can barely gain a certain geographical advantage by relying on the city.
Besides, although my strength is not enough to kill 200 thousand Wuhuan people, it is naturally rich to resist thousands of people
I’m not afraid at all.
It is really unlikely that thousands of elite riders will make a surprise attack.
Soon the second wave of scouts arrived as scheduled.
Two tigers and leopards stopped in front of me with an alien costume.
A rider on horseback shouted, Tell the commander that thousands of cavalry from Liucheng have stopped three miles south of Yangle City.
Thank you, I nodded to him on horseback and then turned my eyes behind him. Who is this?
The Wuhuan people quickly signed up. The villain is an adult in the class. Su Yeda was ordered by two adults to command the handsome Wuhuan cavalry to obey the command of General Ma.
3 HuHan allied forces
Wu Huan knight horse kung fu is really exquisite.
Su Yeda’s hip is a dark horse, and I can see from my many years’ experience that it is a fierce pony with a small temper, and the harness he is equipped with can be called a poor saddle compared with me. A piece of cowhide hangs on the left saddle of the horse, and a hemp rope is hung on the left saddle, which barely allows the boots to be inserted and borrowed. But I can see from his hanging feet on both sides that this noose base will not play any role.
Backward auxiliary tools can better reflect the level of the main characters.
Su Yeda pulled the reins mount with his left backhand and stopped at a place three feet away from me. He did not bow down to salute his horse humbly, but nodded to me on horseback. See General Ma.
Although this attitude will not make me feel extremely unhappy, it is certainly not as comfortable as visiting Louban and Ta Dun in person.
Naturally, I won’t haggle over every ounce with a little alien, but I show a generous mind. General Su Yeda is polite. The names of our ethnic compatriots are very different from those of Chinese people. I won’t call him General Su rashly.
My adult said, he said to me carelessly, I brought 5 thousand cavalry to listen to General Ma’s command. If General Ma doesn’t obey, he will directly chop their heads, and my adult will never say anything!
This is a serious remark. Two adults in Liucheng thanked Ma for their kindness. I nodded with a smile. Su Yeda’s words made me very happy. When I first arrived here, I would show my attitude in front of the soldiers of both sides of our army. It would be much easier for me to issue orders later.
Su Yeda looked at me with unabashed eyes and finally stopped at the chase. What a god! He exclaimed.
I guess this must be a way for Wuhuan people to kiss up.
Which horse is he? Qin array immediately urged the horse.
Su Yeda glanced at him and immediately replied, It’s rare to see a good horse again!
Qin array’s mount is indeed a powerful horse, especially with Qin array’s strong riding skills. On shortrange speed, almost everyone in the army can even eat a mouthful of sand behind him.
So ….. Today, the goods have robbed me of many heads, and with the military, they have hung up their names in the court and become the most wellknown warrior in the outside world.
Speaking of the advantages and disadvantages of war horses, in fact, several general mounts in my account are quite good. Qin array and Tuoba Ye are excellent species cultivated by themselves. Not to mention that Xu Huang, Li Dian, Zhang Liao and other war horses are also from Xiliang, Chuyan, a horse thief mount, and naturally they are not inferior species. The base of a dozen war horses is neck and neck.
Sure enough, Su Yeda kept praising me when I introduced him to the generalsall for the mounts, but she didn’t take the introduction object to heart.
Fortunately, a group of rough masters in my hand also love horses and know horses. Although they are regarded by people, at least their mounts are greatly appreciated, and it is not too embarrassing to accept this kind of advanced flattery.

He also put away his smile, Wang asked Wang to do his best.

You must know that I’m afraid there will be a World War I in Sun Jian sooner or later, and it won’t be too far away. I said, If you can … I hope you can try your best to buy Qingzhou grain and grass and transport it to the area controlled by our country.
Wang Jie thought for a moment and gave me a reply soon. If it is to weaken the strength of bamboo slips, Wang can also buy the grain and grass in their official warehouses at a high price through the hands of local treasurers …
What he said is not obscure, but it is what I think. Qingzhou’s harvest in recent years is not too bad, and there is no special harvest year, and there will not be too much grain in the official warehouse.
I clapped my hands on the case and laughed. You are a businessman who can achieve great things!
Tiger Sun, when I dig out your granary … I’ll let you fight me with the bark!
A clumsy and futile trick
After a month of largescale conscription, the total strength of China has increased from about 300 thousand to nearly 100 thousand, of which Yanzhou, Sanfu and Nanyang are the most
It is natural that a large number of conscripts should be supported because of the extreme shortage of troops in Yanzhou, the battlefield in Runan. Although Sanfu is far away, it is necessary to strengthen the defense against the southwest; But Nanyang Yao … Didn’t Gan Ning say that the existing 30,000 troops were more than enough?
I couldn’t help shaking my head when I looked at the Nanyang report. Nanyang County … recruited 20,000 soldiers?
Want to know the whole bing after the abolition … But also 230000 troops.
Xun You, Minister of the Ministry of War, is not it is not difficult for Nanyang to raise 40,000 or 50,000 troops with manpower, financial resources and material resources.
Well, that’s true. Of course, I know that the population of a county in Nanyang is seven times that of Bing, and its land is far more suitable for growing hair than Bing.
Well … the master gave orders to General Gan. If he didn’t have the meritorious military service, he would also tell you.
I nodded. Gan Ning’s temper is bound to do something after half a year, or he really stabbed himself, which would be bad …
Mr. Jia came in! Outside Jia Mu and pretending to report a.
Jia Xu has stepped into the threshold that Gan Ning sent troops to Nanjun
I haven’t reacted here yet. He added, And … has taken the important town of Xiangyang City.
Wait! I quickly confirmed to him, I remember … I asked him to attack Jiangxia County, where the garrison was relatively weak.? Why did he go directly to attack Nanjun? !”
Nanjun is the garrison where Liu Biao was placed. Of course, it is much more abundant than Jiangxia. Gan Ning is directly rushing to the most difficult bonegnawing situation in Jingzhou without even training the recruits … What is he going to make?
So that’s it … Xun You clapped his hands and smiled first.
Don’t make it clear yet, Jia Xu motioned to him. Can your master think of what plan Gan Ning has made here?
I grinned and brought up brain cells.
Gan Ning has just recruited twenty thousand people and launched an offensive … Obviously it is impossible to rely on new recruits …
You want to say … I said thoughtfully, Gan Ning’s recruitment in a big way is actually … a coverup?
Yes, Jia Xu nodded. It’s just a virtual situation or a plan to build a path.
Xun You laughed. From the point of view of Liu Biao, I’m afraid it will take me six months to recruit so many new recruits before I can go into the battlefield. Then the possibility of moving troops before will not be too great, and the vigilance and defense of Nanxian County will be greatly reduced … But Gan Ning happened to surprise the original elite at this time and conquer Xiangyang town in one fell swoop. I really didn’t expect Gan Xingba to be crude and refined.
Ha ha Jia Xu also laughed. When I first met Gan Ning, I never thought that I would have such a mind in his rough appearance. How did the master know people?
I shrugged my shouldersnow I’m infected with this problemand replied, I just think he’s pleasing to the eye. Don’t you find that … the generals I admire are all the ones who look like uneducated louts? That’s because I’m a lout myself and I really can’t love a knowledgeable general!
Jia Xu and Xun You slightly zheng and then laughed.
I don’t know what happy event can make you laugh so much? The sound of the opera king sounded from the outside.
You three bastards who are hiding outside the door and eavesdropping are always rolling in. I criticisehow can I not recognize such close movements? Besides, eavesdroppers are all scribes with their hands tied.
Guo Jia, the King of the Military Academy and Fazheng, asks for an audience Jia Muyin.
Jia Mu, you’re neglecting your duty. I’m going to consider demoting you to the first class. Xun You, the head of the Ministry of War, lifted the wooden door.
桑拿网Wrong! How dare these three leaders go against their wishes if they don’t let me be humble? Jia Mu won’t do it. Besides, you haven’t cashed my brotherinlaw in Liang Guo!
Chu Fang made contributions with you, but he didn’t ask for anything. I looked at him. You can’t do this.
A sage clouds a sage and does not avoid his relatives. He even moved out a famous epigram to refute me. It seems that it is not your place to reward your merits.
Guo Jia over there simply said, Being arrogant and arrogant is the way for consorts to perish since ancient times.
Jia Mu haven’t listen to white Jia Xu has awed filial piety is extremely Jia Mu you although the king has some relatives, but when it comes to who you are! If people hear your nonsense again, it’s ruthless.
Know, know! Jia Mugu is still afraid of his father’s delivery and obediently retreated to the door.
I’m afraid it’s not good news that three people came to see me at the same time? I reached out and motioned for them to sit down. From the moment they entered the door, I noticed that the faces of these three people were not as full of smiles as usual.
Master’s right, Xi Jun slowly replied, Liu Xiehan’s officials have been placed in Pi.
Oh, I didn’t mean to it should have been long before the calculation. They are really slow enough.

I’m going out to hunt! He protested to me with a long bow.

I stared at him and spat at the ground. Whatever!
He first asked blankly, What did you say?
I said … whatever! I responded coldly to him, Isn’t the old military order a little to you?
Perhaps it was my attitude that made Qin Zhen feel uncomfortable. He stared at me carefully and asked cautiously, Master … is in a bad mood?
I rolled my eyes. If you have nothing to do, go to rest and don’t hang around under my eyelids.
Master Pang Brigadier was stimulated today? He turned to ask Pang Gan.
Pang Gan looked serious. You should reflect on your attitude first.
Qin Zhen still stared silently for a moment before he said again, Did you say something wrong?
I was silent for a moment and then shook my head no
He really didn’t say the wrong thingbecause he always does.
He let out a long sigh. That master … why should he do this to me?
I said with a wry smile, I’m really in a bad mood because …
Oh? He blinked.
To tell you the truth, I sighed, I regret coming to this terrible place now!
His mouth corners slightly.
We haven’t done anything in the past six months, and we’ve wasted these precious years! I’m telling the truth.
His mouth is finished.
I slapped my right hand on the case several times, I want to return to the Central Plains after the spring!
Master Ying! He grinned with a red face.
33 the master said something.
After the fifteenth day of the first month, I suddenly felt a void in my heart.
What did Lao do in the past year?
Running around the barren northwest in vain, the grassheaded kings performed a farce together and accepted their support with peace of mind?
夜生活  title=Most of the time, I have something to do, but the time of nineteen flies by.
I didn’t create a poem that shocked the world, nor did I make a major breakthrough in martial arts, let alone the art of war.
I spent this year in such a waste.
Not only did I not gain anything, but I lost my status as the actual owner of four counties and one country in Liaodong, and became a tall and light person, far away from the central plains and the western regions. Most of the military forces in the hand were reduced by 3 thousand, and the advisers went their separate ways, which made me once a loner.
There was a short time before I entered the Western Regions, and I had another dream to unify the Western Regions!
This dream can be buried deep in my heart when I enter this vast and sparsely populated desert and see several foreigners with high noses and deep eyes, fair skin and brown hair and various languages.
So I completely lost the motivation to contribute to the motherland in the western regions, and finally incited several small countries to besiege Qiucior was I actually incited by them?
I worked hard to dig the waterway for nearly a month, but I was simply dissuaded.
All this tells a terrible fact that my mind has slackened.
I have no goal to strive for in this land of the western regions.
In fact, ask yourself, if I had changed into a comfortable environment, I would have been trapped in this comfortable and idle life and would have finally wiped out all my ambitions.
But the problem is … just this past winter, a series of snowstorms told me for nothing that this fucking place is not for me to enjoy!
Always go back to the Central Plains!

When I roared from the bottom of my heart, Ban Xiong personally visited me a few days later.
Shuang’er poured a bowl of wine for the Lord of the class. I patted my little girl around me
hmm! Vomitted to stick out tongue Shuang’er softly hold to the wine bowl.
There is one thing that Xiao Wang is really ashamed of … Half a year has made King Yanqi’s Chinese fluent.
I secretly grin. Since I’m ashamed of my mouth, what am I doing here today?
You and I need to be such a stranger, I said kindly. I have something to do, but I don’t care.
Yes, so … Class male wriggled for a long time and finally got up the courage and said, Small country … food will be a little nervous this year …
My brow couldn’t help jumping. I frowned slightly. You mean … France should provide food for our army?
The old man had been carrying rations for nearly three months when he entered the Western Regions from the Han Dynasty. Later, Qiuci and the surrounding small countries rushed to send a large number of food and grass. This large number is relative to its national strength. A country in Yanqi should only provide food for our army for three months at most … How dare you tell me … They can’t bear it? !
However, I can’t get angry and reprimand the embarrassed kingbecause I didn’t do anything in Yanqi anyway, but let Yanqi move the labor force to build a fairly strong military camp and pay for all kinds of materials in two months.
Actually, I owe Ban Xiong a lot.
So when he faltered out this question, I didn’t get angry, but looked at him calmly and said, I was very grateful to have bothered the Lord for half a year. Since the Lord himself said that he had protected the white, it seems that we must move strategically to prepare food and grass …
Xiao Wang is ashamed … Ban Xiong repeatedly saluted me as a country’s master.
The Lord needs such a gift. I understand his difficulty. It’s too difficult for more than 30,000 people in Yanqi to raise and protect more than 10,000 cavalry. I’m afraid it’s hard to have the strength to raise such an army even in a small country like Han Dynasty. All the guards have lived here for a long time and let the Lord do his best. I want to thank you.
To, to he hurriedly shook his head.
It’s a pity, I sighed. It’s hard to repay the courtesy of the Lord for protecting the short term.
Ban Xiong gently well a don’t hide most of the protection … Wang does have one thing …
Ha ha that might as well talk about I nodded at him with a smile.
Wang has a younger sister who has just turned fifteen. This is not Wang’s nonsense. Her younger sister looks good and is virtuous …
He was about to brag about his sister, but I stopped him directly. Does the Lord want to protect your sister and find a satisfactory husband?
Ban Xiong’s Adam’s apple shook, Xiao Wang is willing to protect his relatives!
I frowned slightly. If I had put it in the Central Plains, I had just answered enough to block each other’s mouths. It’s a pity that this class of male is a small country in the western regions, and Cao Wang has not mastered our profound language and art well enough …
Shuang’er, who sat behind me, snorted angrily. I quickly reached out and touched her forehead gently.
Ma Chao was deeply impressed by the kindness of the country. When I got up, Zheng Chongchao gave him a nod, and it became a name. Can Wang Mei Jingui, the country’s king, who protects his existing wife, marry me again?
We Yanqi people don’t pay attention to these! Ban Xiong hurriedly waved.
I let go of my hands and shook my head with a wry smile. The country’s mind is completely white, but there is really no need to make my sister marry me. I thought for a while and added, In fact, you can consider two generals, Tuoba Ye and Taishi Ci. The potential of matchmaking hidden in my body is stirring again after many years.
Ban Xiong Zheng sighed heavily. Little sister doesn’t have this blessing …
I was relieved to see that he finally withdrew his request for relatives and friends, and the two men raised their big bowls to drink.
Master surnamed Bai Daoshi asks for audience Liu Ren, who is on duty outside the door, said rudely.
The Taoist priest came to my account twice and brought vague newsthough vague, it finally came true.
I put the wine bowl come in

He couldn’t help frowning. This goblin is really skinny! Every day, this pair of students dress up, which is not as sinister as that of college students.

So she gives people a sense of comfort.
This is not rouge gouache, but she is attractive enough. If she dresses herself up and looks nice every day, I don’t know how many men she will hook up with.
Thought of here MuLingTian some taste.
Quietly behind her, he stared at her closely.
Is she cold? Why is your shoulder shaking? Damn it, is she crying? She felt wronged when he kindly let her have breakfast? This woman really makes him angry more and more.
MuLingTian impatiently knocked one.
After hearing this, Ye Xihan wiped her tears like a non-stop horn and looked back. When she saw the people in the car, she started to run.
Her move completely angered Mu Lingtian, who braked quickly and whether the car stopped on the road or not would cause traffic jams. He jumped out of the car and chased Ye Xihan.
His temper was aroused to the best anger by this damn woman, and he tore up her impulse for a second after chasing her
Without running a few steps, Mu Lingtian grabbed her arm and dragged her back. Suddenly, there was a vicious night, and Xi Han was caught off guard and crashed into his cold chest.
She frowned in pain and her face ached from the impact.
Damn it, try running again? He glared at her and dragged her directly to the car.
Let go! You’re hurting me!
Slap her in the passenger seat and slam the door.
The tension in the narrow carriage made it almost impossible to breathe.
Shut up and don’t cry! She started crying when he dragged her to the car. He wanted to give her a good lesson in the car, but when he frowned at her tears, his anger vanished. She cried endlessly, which made him extremely annoyed. He hated women’s tears most, except Cher. He hated women’s tears!
Night Xihan buried her face in sorrow and cried. She didn’t want to cry in front of him, but when he yelled at her, she cried for no reason, and it was even more turbulent.
桑拿会所Damn it, how many times can I tell you to shut up and stop crying! Mu Lingtian frowned and clutched the steering wheel. A few strands of blue veins stood out faintly.
Night Xihan cried a little tired, and after he yelled several times, she wouldn’t dare to cry again. She bit her lip and whitened her fingers and wiped the tears in her eyes. She was too sad just now, and now she is much better after crying. She rarely cries because of this man.
Looking through the rear mirror, I saw a face of dishes. Mu Ling’s heart thumped. Did you provoke him again just now? But this time she was somehow not afraid of him at all.
She felt it necessary to have a showdown with him. Now that he has a woman he loves, she has to stay with him. Aren’t you afraid that his beloved woman will be sad? She believes that a woman doesn’t want to have a man with her, and she should be more devoted to her love, otherwise it will hurt two women.
Mr. Mu, shall we talk? Her sounding voice is very weak, as thin as mosquitoes and flies, and her voice is slightly hoarse because she has cried before.
say it! Mu Lingtian squints like gold. He’d like to hear what this goblin wants to say. Better not mess with him, or …
Night Xihan got up the courage to take a deep breath.
Mr. Mu, since you have someone you like, don’t leave me alone? The woman you love will be sad if you keep me by your side, and you can see that you love her very much.
Mulingtian frowned, his face became colder and colder, and his whole body gave off air conditioning, which made Ye Xihan shudder.
Will a beloved woman be sad?
What an excuse.
The leprechaun wants to leave me and throw herself into James’ arms? He sneered, It seems that I have indulged you too much!
Mr. Mu Ye Xihan wanted to continue talking, but when Mu Lingtian suddenly turned around and drove in the other direction, Ye Xihan inadvertently looked outside the car, and this root was not the way to school.
Where are you taking me? I’m going to school. She was frightened and distracted.
MuLingTian silence is coldly swept eye night city han will speed up to the maximum.
The car stopped in front of a high-end hotel, and Mu Lingtian directly pulled Ye Xihan into the car, went directly into the exclusive staircase, and then went straight to the president’s room on his couch. This is his usual convenience, and he usually comes here to find a woman to vent/desire when he doesn’t go back to the villa.
She asked for this woman.
The door shook her hand vigorously, and she couldn’t bear to loosen her tie.